We are thrilled to unveil the latest improvements designed to help organizations navigate complex risks with greater precision and efficiency. These enhancements reflect our ongoing dedication to innovation and excellence in risk intelligence.

Graphyte’s Digital Resource Center:

We are excited to introduce a new online portal that provides easy access to API documentation, risk factor definitions, and other essential reference materials. This resource will enable your teams to efficiently explore programmatic initial screening through GraphyteAPI, gain insights into our global catalogue of Data Sources, and understand the adverse signals within our Risk Factors. You can access Resource Center from your Graphyte platform. For questions, reach out to contact@quantifind.com.

Insider Trading and Market Manipulation:

Quantifind’s dynamic risk typologies are built to keep pace with emerging threats, while we continuously aim to refine the range of risk topics addressed. A recent data science initiative targeted the broad category of Insider Trading and Market Manipulation. By dividing this Risk Factor into three distinct subcategories, we have improved the accuracy of risk tagging and overall precision. The newly established Risk Topics are Insider Trading, Market Manipulation, and Patent Infringement. For access to our risk cards, contact contact@quantifind.com.

Queue Dashboard:

Another new feature focuses on our Continuous Monitoring solution, GraphyteQueue. This initial version of a reporting dashboard will allow financial institutions to closely monitor sanctions, watchlist, and adverse media results as part of their comprehensive governance and perpetual risk monitoring visibility.

If you are interested in learning more about Quantifind’s risk intelligence solution, please email us at contact@quantifind.com.