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use case

Law Enforcement

Graphyte helps domestic law enforcement analysts detect and characterize risks associated with individuals and organizations by integrating an expansive, diverse, and customizable array of data sets, from sanctions lists to news media.

Comprehensive open source data coverage

Customizable datasets and risk typologies

Modern, feature-rich investigation applications

Clear provenance and reporting


Screen swapping across Google and other rabbit holes is hampering your open source investigations.

Public data is a critical contributor to criminal investigations. But using lots of different sources and generic search tools to collect information makes it cumbersome to assemble, interpret, and report information into a cohesive vision of a suspect and their network. Google is designed to sell ads, not investigate bad actors. Analysts lose focus by wandering down paths and inefficiently performing tasks. Highly-trained analysts are forced to do clerical work that distracts them from cracking cases.

Explore Graphyte

Consistent, streamlined analysis and reporting

Graphyte adds consistency to work prioritization, analysis processes, and reporting, which makes results more meaningful and reliable.

Modern web-based investigation tools

Customizable, defensible data sources

Sources include court records, news, registrations, and ownership records

Automated, curatable report generation

Fast turnaround times for “requests for information” on suspects

Advanced relationship and network analysis

Graphyte leverages AI-powered entity resolution and knowledge graphs to automatically generate accurate information and insights about criminal networks.

Highly accurate entity resolution across sources

Deep relationship detection and analysis

Granular, configurable risk typologies, mapping to law enforcement categories of drugs, violence, financial crimes, and more

Automated continuous monitoring

Graphyte can be used to perform continuous, automated monitoring of watchlists and adverse media.

Accuracy and scalability enables daily monitoring

Automated alerts can be queued and prioritized by threat level

Turn manual monthly case review and refresh into an automated daily activity

Graphyte integrates seamlessly to add public data exploration into your existing investigations environment and workflows

Explore Graphyte
meet graphyte

Alerts can be sent to Graphyte via API, which initiates a search throughout a comprehensive list of data sources and includes programmatic searches.  Resulting risk assessments are prepopulated in the case manager, where they can be queued and prioritized by risk.  Deep links let the investigator process and report on each alert in GraphyteSearch; they can pursue other lines of search, such as related entities, in the same analysis and reporting session.


Purpose-built web-based investigation application with consumer-grade user experience


Synchronous risk assessments on-demand, with deep links to GraphyteSearch

GraphyteBatch API

High-volume risk assessments that can be ranked and prioritized

Benefits of
Graphyte for Law Enforcement

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icon for Best-in-class risk assessment accuracy
Best-in-class risk assessment accuracy

Graphyte’s impact on investigation productivity is a direct result of the completeness of its data and accuracy of its risk assessments

icon for Granular, customizable risk typologies
Granular, customizable risk typologies

Graphyte lets you target very specific types of crimes, including new and emergent threats.

icon for Purpose-built investigation application
Purpose-built investigation application

GraphyteSearch is a feature-rich SaaS application that puts all the data and useful features in a single web-based interface.

icon for Work prioritization by threat level
Work prioritization by threat level

Automated risk-ranking lets investigators prioritize their attention on the most concerning alerts.

icon for Advanced relationship analysis
Advanced relationship analysis

Powerful knowledge graph technology is used to reveal otherwise hidden relationships between individuals and entities.

icon for Responsible AI
Responsible AI

Graphyte is built upon the Responsible AI principles of DOD, ODNI, and specific executive orders. Transparency, explainability, trust, governability, and US persons constraints are primary considerations.