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Use Case

Payments Risk Intelligence

Graphyte assesses payment counterparty risk, utilizing transaction information and vast open-source information from news articles, regulatory enforcement actions, and company intelligence data.

Risk Intelligence on transaction counterparties

Alert risk scoring and prioritization

Automated alert summarization

Faster alert closure


Payments screening and monitoring solutions fall short.

Traditional payment risk management systems rely on rigid rules and outdated money laundering scenarios that fail to detect true financial crimes, and they are incapable of scaling to ever-increasing transaction volumes.

Explore Graphyte

Find hidden risks

Go beyond mere transaction monitoring by examining the relationships and behaviors of customers through network analysis, discovering hidden criminal threats to a payment system—while simultaneously providing operational cost savings

Screen and identify counterparties based on underlying characteristics

Detect subtle, sophisticated financial crime patterns

Automate the review process

Change the philosophy from reactive anomaly alerting to a proactive understanding of counterparty risk, automated network analysis, and a technology commitment to workflow optimization and thoughtful, efficient automation implementation

Vastly reduce the volume of alerts and false positives

Save the time-consuming, laborintensive reviews for strong confidence, high risk alerts

Free up resources, increase efficiency, and speed detection

Scale without limitations

Separate the model build from the model runtime, where predictive features are learned on a massive language model but then implemented in a much more compact model for large-scale enterprise throughput

Easily scale despite ever-increasing transaction volumes

Eliminate bottlenecks with Cloud deployments

Lower maintenance costs and speed operations for real-time detection

Consolidate the risk view

Get a summarization of alert metadata, transaction activity, counterparty risk, investigator inputs, and related alert dispositions —then draft a comprehensive narrative using LLMs for alert closure and SAR escalation

Centralize data to facilitate a comprehensive risk assessment

Identify complex, multi-layered threats

Address risks proactively

Enable proactive reporting of true financial crime (vs. meeting a SAR quota) by ensuring precise, timely, and scalable risk detection—take a more offensive approach to compliance by solving accuracy, speed, and scalability issues in risk detection workflows

Identify risks before they materialize

Respond early enough to avoid significant financial and reputational damage

Benefits of Graphyte for Payments Risk Intelligence

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icon for Find hidden risks quickly and accurately
Find hidden risks quickly and accurately

Precise language models combined with proprietary name science and best-in-class entity resolution ensure accurate, actionable risks are identified.

icon for Get a holistic view of entity risk
Get a holistic view of entity risk

Enrich all payment parties and counterparties with a holistic risk assessment based on information inside and outside the financial institution.

icon for Scale your analytics to a limitless number of entities and their counterparties
Scale your analytics to a limitless number of entities and their counterparties

Flexible architecture and highly performant implementation scales with the business, ensuring you never fall behind.

icon for Customize the solution
Customize the solution

Align your risk appetite with the implementation and only review the most relevant alerts.