Use Case
Watchlist and Sanctions Screening
The accuracy of Graphyte’s AI-powered name matching and entity resolution reduces false positives by 75% and drives significant efficiencies in screening and investigations.
AI-powered name matching accuracy
Name science-driven entity resolution for substantially fewer false positives
Search in real-time
No manually curated lists or storage of sensitive data
Pushed alerts on new sanctions activity
Get alerts in real time on relevant sanctions activity
False positives are bogging down watchlist and sanctions screening efforts.
Using yesterday’s algorithms on yesterday’s data is not the best way to perform screening. Fuzzy matching and string distance algorithms are inadequate for achieving necessary name matching accuracy and using data that relies on manual curation can lead to delayed detection.
Reduce false positives
Quantifind specializes in name science algorithms for global name rarity and variants that achieve name matching performance that is far beyond that achievable with approaches that rely on simple fuzzy matching and string distance algorithms.
Leverage name science
Go beyond simple algorithms to improve performance
Free up investigators
Let them focus their talents on real risks.
Use reliable data
Quantifind provides comprehensive coverage of global watchlists and sanctions lists that are always up to date, with no reliance on manual curation processes that can result in search of outdated data.
Comprehensive coverage
Thousands of global lists, always up-to-date.
Real-time search
No reliance on curated data.
Powerful tools and APIs
Graphyte includes advanced investigation applications that deliver yet another layer of productivity improvements by ensuring that analysts can work efficiently and within their familiar environment.
Off-the-shelf integrations
Analysts can work within their case manager.
Feature-rich applications
Smoother workflow and automated reporting.
Using Graphyte ensures a holistic approach to watchlist screening, with a platform that can be used to optimize risk screening and investigation performance across a range of applications.
Explore Graphytemeet graphyte
Graphyte is a pure-SaaS solution that applies real-time search of a comprehensive array of watchlists and sanctions lists using AI-powered name matching. The accuracy achieved enables reliable watchlist screening and a substantial reduction in false positives for more efficient investigations.
Purpose-built web-based investigation application with consumer-grade user experience
Synchronous risk assessments on-demand, with deep links to GraphyteSearch
GraphyteBatch API
High-volume risk assessments that can be ranked and prioritized
Comprehensive list coverage
Thousands of watchlist and sanctions lists
Search real-time data
No reliance on proprietary, curated data
Name science-powered accuracy
Performance beyond elementary fuzzy matching
Seamless integration
REST APIs enhance existing infrastructure